Writing for a Living

Hello Humanity!

Sorry for the couple week hiatus. I got busy with a couple things. One of which was my annual competing in NaNoWriMo, the competition to write 50,000 words of a novel (or novels) over the 30 days of November. Once again I succeeded, and that will hopefully mean good news for all of you.

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My Yearly Nano

Hello Humanity!

Not a lot has happened since the last update, but I figured I would keep everyone in the best loop possible if they're going to stop on by. So here's the deal from this past week:

1) Two Hex, the sequel to One Spell, is getting a solid start on its second draft.

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The Renegades have Arrived!

Hey everyone. Long time no posting. Here's the latest, in brief.

The Renegades Book 1: Renegades Rise is here, I own copies, and it is going to start selling in the very near future. The first opportunity to buy it will be at the Saskatoon Entertainment Expo on September 17-18. After that, physical copies and the eBook should become available for purchase online over the next week (approximately).

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Introducing - The Renegades!

As the title suggests, I am introducing The Renegades to the website today.  The book is currently going through layout, and I am hoping to have it ready to sell by August.  If you head to the novel page here on the website, you can scroll down and see that the cover and description for The Renegades has been posted.  Hope you enjoy this little preview!

An Update, for a change

Well, this news feed isn't exactly good for anything if I don't actually bother to put news in it ever.  Here's what is happening with The Glasses Come Off.

1) One Spell, my first novel, has had a book launch, and is now selling at McNally Robinson Saskatoon, Amazon.com, and is available to borrow at the Saskatoon Public Library.  You can find the Amazon link on the website now!

2) I have joined the film company Atheneum Pictures as a writer and editor.  With them, I will be taking several TV show and movie ideas we have to the Banff Media Festival on June 12-15 and will, with a bit of hard work, be returning with work in the TV/Film industry.

3) The first book in my pre-teen book series The Renegades is currently with my editor, who should be done with it this week.  I should be ordering my first proof copy within a couple of weeks, and hopefully ordering copies to sell by the end of June.

I also plan to update this on a more regular basis, so come by regularly!

Just To Be Clear, My Glasses Are Staying On

Hello, and welcome to my first news post, also known as my first narcissistic rant.

Now, the question you probably weren't going to ask is "Why did you call it 'The Glasses Come Off'?"

Well, it's a reference to what I aim for in the stories I create by combining a couple old idioms: "the gloves come off", and "rose-tinted glasses".  Basically, it's my way of saying that things won't be pleasant in my stories because I won't pull punches.

You have been warned.  Enjoy the site, and my books.